We offer a complete product line of ceramic grinding media.

AluKing 92 Alumina Micro Grinding Beads

King's beads


  • Superfine grinding of alumina, zirconia silicate, feldspar, quartz, kaolin clay, glaze, inks and ceramics.
  • Suitable for both wet and dry grinding.
  • Recommended in Stirred and Ball Mill. Not recommended for high speed stirred mills and sand mills.


Density g/cm3 >3.65
Packing density g/cm3 >2.1
Vickers hardness HV5 >1,300
Roundness* % >99
Standard size** mm 1 - 15 (any size breakdown)
Chemical composition   Al2O3, SiO2 and others

* Subject to a max. -3% points deviation for different product sizes

** Special sizes are available upon request