Kings Beads aims to provide our customers with a complete Grinding Solution for your applications. With our years' of experience serving the Mineral Processing Industries, Kings understands that you the customer, not only requires a high-quality product, but also wants the supplier to provide professional technical services to assist in developing the most cost effective comminution solution for your particular application.
Kings has recently expanded its technical team to provide comprehensive Laboratory and Pilot Scale Media Testing facilities at their factory, together with on site Consultancy Services.
Glencore’s IsaMill™ is an internationally proven Ultrafine Grinding (UFG) Technology in the Mining Industry. The NETZSCH LME-4 laboratory unit has the same internal dimensions and workings as the IsaMill™ M4, and it is designed for laboratory testing purposes for pilot/industrial IsaMill™ applications. The Signature Plot (relationship between Ground Product Size & Specific Grinding Energy) and ground Product Size Distribution (PSD) have a high degree of accuracy when scaling up from the M4 to the Industrial IsaMill™ unit.
Testwork with the IsaMill™ M4 laboratory unit can significantly reduce project risks and allow clients to accurately evaluate the feasibility and economic benefits of using the IsaMill™ Technology.
King’s Engineering Center is one of IsaMill™ accredited laboratories for IsaMill™ Signature Plot Testing. With the IsaMill™ M4 testing unit, King’s can offer our clients the following IsaMill™ related testing services:
Kings MineMate® Series Ceramic Beads are also IsaMill™ officially approved products for its IsaMill™ application.
With premium quality products and IsaMill™ approved lab testing capabilities, King’s is always ready to offer a total grinding solution package for your IsaMill™ application.